捐款 Donation


1. 網上捐款

按此登入「中銀香港」捐款易平台以信用卡、銀聯卡、 WeChat Pay、支付寶、 轉數快、雲閃付或BoC Pay進行網上捐款。

2. 劃線支票

支票抬頭請寫「香港中文大學校友會聯會教育基金會有限公司」或 The Education Foundation of The Federation of The Alumni Associations of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Limited,郵寄至教育基金會行政辦公室:香港沙田馬鞍山頌安邨 香港中文大學校友會聯會陳震夏中學 教育基金會行政辦公室。亦請提供捐款人姓名、聯絡地址、電話和電郵地址,以便發出捐款收據。

3. 直接存入銀行賬戶


中國銀行(香港): 012-611-0006773-1


We invite your active participation in the form of volunteer service and/or donations supporting the charitable causes to which we contribute.

1. Online Donation

Please click here to log in to BoC (HK) E-Donations Platform to make donations online.

2. Crossed Cheque

Please make your cheque payable to the “The Education Foundation of The Federation of The Alumni Associations of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Limited” and email us (admin@cuhkfaaef.org.hk) with your name, address, phone number and email for our preparation of donation receipt for you.

3. Direct Transfer to the “The Education Foundation of The Federation of The Alumni Associations of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Limited” Account

You can make direct transfer donations through bank teller / ATM electronic teller machines to the following bank account:

Bank of China (Hong Kong): 012-611-0006773-1